Understanding funding options

There are many government funding options available for accessing disability support. Each of the programs are designed to help people with different needs, lifestyles and circumstances. Regardless of your personal situation, we can help you identify the funding option suited to you and guide you towards accessing services to keep you confident, comfortable and independent at home.

Am I eligible for disability support funding?

To receive government funding for disability support, you must:

  1. Be under 65 years of age when you enter the scheme or program.
  2. Have been diagnosed with a permanent and ongoing disability.

For more information on the eligibility criteria for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the specific disability funding programs available in your state, this resource on the NDIS website is a good place to start.

If you’ve been injured in a road or workplace accident, state-based compensation schemes may approve funding for your support. For example:

  • The TAC or Worksafe in Victoria.
  • The Lifetime Care and Support Authority in New South Wales.

This type of funding is usually organised by a hospital or rehabilitation discharge planner, or a social worker. If you are unsure about anything or would like assistance organising help after an accident, give us a call on 1300 478 776. We’re always here to help.

What government funding programs can I use to access Mercy Health disability support?

We are registered to provide disability support funded by the following government programs:

  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
  • Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), for people under 65 years of age (ACT).
  • Family and Community Services, Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care services (NSW).
  • Transport Accident Commission (TAC) (VIC).
  • Worksafe Victoria.
  • State Trustees.

Getting your support plan started

If you’re ready to choose us as your provider:

You can self-refer to Mercy Health via the Myplace portal, or your planner can make the referral on your behalf. You can also call us to discuss your support needs if you would prefer to talk things through.

We can arrange a member of our care advisory team to meet with you to explore how Mercy Health services and support may fit within your Individual Support Package budget or your approved NDIS service plan.

If you have been injured in a road or workplace accident:

Your case manager, social worker or hospital discharge planner can make the referral.

You are welcome to call us at any time throughout the process to discuss how our services will fit with your lifestyle and support needs.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

If you are a person with disability and you meet the NDIS requirements, and you live in an area where the scheme has been launched, you can become a participant.

Checking the NDIS website is a good place to start. You can check if the NDIS is currently operating where you live, or when it’s planned to launch in your area.

We are a registered provider for disability support in the Geelong area, North East Melbourne and the Australian Capital Territory.

Learn more about NDIS

State Funded Disability Support Programs

If you live in an area where the NDIS has not yet been implemented, you can still engage with existing Australian and state and territory government disability services for your support needs.

To find a State government disability service near you, click here.

We are a registered Disability Services Provider in:

  • Metropolitan Melbourne: North West and South East areas.
  • The Barwon South West region in Victoria: Colac and Geelong.
  • Albury and the surrounding district: New South Wales.
  • Young and the surrounding district: New South Wales.

Self-funded options

All of our services can be purchased with your own money; you don’t need to wait for a government program to be available to get help or support. You can also use your own money to purchase additional services if the funding limit for your government funded care has been reached, but you would like more support to keep you comfortable and safe at home.

Our fees reflect the quality of our service. We are not the cheapest, and we are certainly not the most expensive service provider. We are committed to being transparent in our fee structures and we stand by our value for money and quality of care.

Give us a call on 1300 478 776. We’re always happy to have an open and honest discussion about the cost of disability support services.

Last reviewed March 4, 2019.

Understanding support options

Our disability support makes your life easier. Reach your goals, build on your strengths and capabilities, develop life skills and enhance your independence.

Understanding support options


Get to know the National Disability Insurance Scheme. Learn what the NDIS is, including what it offers and how it may be able to help you access disability support services.


Disability support FAQs

Find the answers to frequently asked questions around disability support, different ways we can help you enjoy living independently, and more.

Disability support FAQs

Check if we operate in your area.

Yes, we can provide services in your home.

Your local care team can offer more information to keep you safe and independent at home.

Contact your care team