Mobile phone technology is transforming the way our Home Care Services staff communicate and is helping provide safer, person-centred care for your clients across four different states.
Changes in care and support needs can now be quicker addressed, incidents logged and questions answered sooner thanks to a creative new app allowing community care workers to send notifications directly to regional office staff , the moment they hear about them.
The app called stafFISH, which stands for ‘staff Feedback, Incident, Service and Hazard notification system, was developed in early 2017 by Mercy Health staff and named by them in an internal competition.
As staff spend many hours on the road in their mission to provide the best care possible, it is important to be able to send notifications about feedback, incidents, accidents and other safety concerns to regional service centres as quickly as possible, says Mercy Health’s Mercy Health Home Care Services provides community aged care and disability services to keep people happy, healthy and independent at home. Quality Manager Jane Korneyko.
“Before the app, our care staff had to complete hard copy forms and send them to an office or have a conversation with office staff to log an incident or feedback,” explains Ms Korneyko.
“This system is designed to allow all staff to easily access and log notifications at the point of care.
They answer a few basic questions about what happened, the date and their name and submit the notification. It improves customer service and allows us to action their feedback or a change in care needs more effectively and efficiently,” she says.
An email is automatically sent to a Regional Service Leader who investigates the information provided and, once fully addressed, the data is sent to Mercy Health’s reporting system and captured for governance processes.
The stafFISH system is being rolled out from September to December 2017, along with new work mobile phones for all Mercy Health Mercy Health Home Care Services provides community aged care and disability services to keep people happy, healthy and independent at home. staff.
Last reviewed March 4, 2019.