The welfare officer at Box Hill RSL organised an information session in March for veterans and their families, themed ‘Living Alone Safely’.
Mercy Health was invited to talk about home care services in the local area and how getting support at home can enhance safety and independence. Other guest speakers included the community arm of Victoria Police, the RACV and the Independent Living Centre.
It was a very informative session with each guest speaker providing tips and information about products and services available to support people living alone safely. Victoria Police in the City of Whitehorse have a community register for people over the age of 65 and are backed by a team of volunteers who phone older residents on a regular basis to initially check on their welfare, but over time, they form valuable friendships.
The RACV outlined the vast suite of products and services they have available to support home safety and security, including alarms, wireless monitoring and emergency home assist.
Sadly, the Independent Living Centre’s Store is closing but all their information will still be available online, including their extensive product list and reviews. Check it out at
Last reviewed May 9, 2019.