Draft of the new Aged Care Act consultation

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The Department of Health and Aged Care has opened a consultation on the new Aged Care Act and is calling for older people, their families and carers to provide their feedback.

The new Aged Care Act aims at putting the rights and needs of older people at the centre of of aged care. Now you can have your say and shape the future act before it becomes law.

There are several ways you can get involved:

  • attend a face-to-face workshop in your local area. Click here for more information
  • complete a survey online or call the consultation line on 1800 318 209
  • send the Department an email or letter.

Public consultation closes on 16 February 2024.

You can find a number of online resources here for your information. Please read one or more resource before you provide your feedback to the Department. You can order printed copies of the resources by emailing [email protected].

If you would like more information about the new Aged Care Act consultation, please click here.

Mercy Health Home Care client in the garden

Last reviewed January 24, 2024.

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